Xbook’s free photo book design software tool will help you set the layout of attractive photo albums that Xbook can then print out for you with a professional-quality look. You can either make use of the extensive choice of book templates available or create your own, and preview the results any time during the design process. Whenever you think it is perfect, you can order hardcopies of your album to Xbook without exiting the program.
The program’s interface resembles that of a professional image editing tool, though with less functionality. Divided into various panels, the central panel is devoted to the photo book itself, and it can hold a mid-sized two-page layout comfortably. The side panels allow you to select your images (conveniently shown as thumbnails) and to apply to them various effects and enhancing tools. The easiest way of getting started is by opening the program’s “Quick-Assistant”, a wizard-driven tutorial that will guide you through the image and template selection processes. Once your images have been inserted in the various pages of the book, these can be corrected, rotated, and optimized very easily and intuitively. You can also add attractive frames and masks, and move them around the book until each page looks just perfect.
You can preview your album at any time, and check that everything will come out as planned. However – and to avoid unpleasant surprises –, the program will add yellow and red warning signs to all those pages and/or images which may provoke unwanted printing errors (due to low-resolution images or to badly positioned photographs). You may also design your own covers and even the spine of the book before ordering your printed copies using the program’s secure payment gateway.